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Personalize It Fashion
June 21, 2014

For this event I showcased my collection of Avant Garde wear in my runway. I feel very passionate about wearable art and I couldn't have picked a better venue or event to showcase this non cohesive collection that I've been working on for the first 6 months of 2014.

Personalize It Fashion Team
Makeup Artist: Cassi Stevens of Makeup Artistry with Cassi

Hairstylist: Anne Maie of Ladii Beautybox

DJ:  Michael Valenzilla

LED Hooper Performance: Chelsea Nightingale!/hulahoopwithme

Models in order: Louise Greaves
Ayla Ceirra
Leigha Marie
Via McCormick
Amanda Elizabeth
Natasha Mazac

Behind The Curtain Art Exposition and Trade Show Information

Behind The Curtain Artist Gallery and Trade Show is an event put together for every make and model of artists. It was formed with the belief that artists should no longer starve and should have a steady platform to showcase their work, network, gain new clientele and thrive in what they do best.

Hosted by Daiana of D.S. Photography, and with a combined effort of a united artist friendship, this event was finally born.

Behind The Curtains goal is to bring a better unity of artists with each event. Help provide a steady and well known atmosphere that caters specifically to the artists and allows a bit of spotlight on who they are and their amazing craft.

Not only is Behind The Curtain giving a platform to artists locally, they are also spreading internationally as well and inviting in a wonderful array of people from all corners who will be able to showcase their work further!

In the spirit of building platforms, Behind The Curtain has combined efforts with Local Charities as well and are hoping to provide them with a leg up on funding. Silent Auction tables will be available at every event for your viewing and bidding pleasure.
Keep a look out for events featuring multiple charity fundraisers and find the one you are most passionate about.
Our main Charity that will steadily be featured at Behind The Curtain events is:

Raincatcher's Canada is a new charity getting its start to great things. It's goal is to help bring clean water to communities in need by supplying simple and easy to use filters. Rural communities and poor urban centers throughout the world are filled with families who suffer from the lack of access to clean and safe water. This isn't an issue that haunts only abroad but in our own back doors as well. Emergency situations such as flooding are also among the many suffering from unsafe water. We may not be able to fix everything but we can make a difference in the immediate lives of those in need.

Go Visit the webpage here:

If you are an artist who wants to be involved, please contact Behind The Curtain either through their website or at to receive more information!

Behind The Curtain Art Exposition and Trade Show

Here you will see Personalize It Fashion's interactions with Behind The Curtain's events



This video is coming :) It will showcase the wonderful models dance routines while showcasing their outfits. Video is being made by Paul Spenard of Eye Squared Photography

Personalize It Fashion
December 7, 2014

Personalize It Fashion - Victorian Steampunk Section
Double Click on Slide Show for full size

Runway Video


For this runway I was excited to showcase my victorian, western and rave steampunk inspired collection. I worked very hard on layers an

Runway Credits
Photographer: Greg Harder -

Cassi Stevens -
Shelley Leung -
Setasha Jocelyn -
Tara Carter -

Ashley MacLean, Stephanie Rachael (La Gogue Inc.), Michael Valenzilla, Leigha Marie, Louise Greaves, Mitch Wiebe, Cydney Melnyk, Via McCormick, Amanda Harper, Charlie Midnite Couture (La Gogue Inc.), Amber Dawne (La Gogue) and Ayla Ceirra

Video Editor:

Personalize It Fashion -

Personalize It Fashion - Western Steampunk Section
Double Click on Slide Show for full size

Personalize It Fashion - Rave Steampunk Section
Double Click on Slide Show for full size

Runway video is being edited so stay tuned for the performers hard work and awesome dances

Stage Models in order from left to right:

Top Row
Jennifer Anne (Christmas Promo Model), Nicole Kang (Director & Promo Model), Ashley MacLean, Stephanie Rachael (La Gogue Inc.), Michael Valenzilla, Jaclyn Maier (Designer) Leigha Marie, Louise Greaves, Mitch Wiebe, Cydney Melnyk, Via McCormick, Spencer Whitman (Mermaid Promo Model)

Bottom Row
Amanda Harper, Charlie Midnite Couture (La Gogue Inc.), Amber Dawne (La Gogue) and Ayla Ceirra

Right Picture

Model: Amanda Harper
H&MUA: Fancy Fantasy HMUA by Tara Carter

Model: Michael Valenzilla
H&MUA: Makeup Artistry by Setasha

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